Warehouse and Furniture Auction April 24th 10am

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 at 10AM
Doors open at 9AM for viewing

14463 Luthe Road
Houston, TX 77039
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Warehouse and Furniture Auction April 24th 10am
TVs, Bedding, Kitchen Tables, Entry Piece, Bedroom Furniture, Armoire, Side Tables, Household Appliances, Home Décor, Silver Dollars, Vending Machines, Nascar Collector Cars, Dan Marino Signed Helmet with Ball and Card, Dining Tables, Outdoor Kitchen, Webber BBQ Grill, Patio Furniture, Hanging Lights, Chandeliers, Framed Artwork, Outdoor Planters, Attic Insulation Blowing Machine w/ insulation, Pallets of Reflective Parking Posts, Lateral File Cabinets, LED Lights, New Stereo Speakers, New Car and Bluetooth Speakers, Military Grade Storage Boxes, Fertilizer Spreaders, Work Lights, Straps, Slings, Stacking Chairs, Large Rolling White Board, Computer Monitors, Fireproof File, Fuel Tank w/ Electric Pump, Bar Stools, Showcases & more. Open at 9AM Auction begins at 10AM.